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Music and Friendship: That's What It's All About

By Jan Sessions Walker

If you’ve ever been a passenger on the 70’s Rock and Romance Cruise, you know that friendly people are one of the hallmarks of the event. Everyone seems so happy to be there, because let’s face it, it’s just an amazing trip! From the unofficial pre-party at the host hotel, to the very last concert, and everything in between, you’ll find yourself surrounded by like-minded people, who are there to relax and enjoy the music.

I’ve often described the atmosphere as feeling like a huge class reunion. But you’d really have to experience it for yourself to completely understand!

One favorite memory comes from a Queen Nation show. For those not in-the-know, Queen Nation is the fantastic Queen tribute band that has been on several of the 70's Rock and Romance cruises. They are truly amazing!

Anyway, I was standing up on the top deck, by the rail, facing the stage, in my own little world, just taking in their music. Suddenly, the band segues into my very favorite Queen tune, “You’re My Best Friend.” And I can’t help singing along. At the top of my lungs, of course. Standing next to me was a friend I hadn’t met yet, by the name of Marlene. We proceeded to serenade each other, to the point that her husband said he felt like he was intruding between us!

It’s one of my best memories from that trip, and I just can’t think of many places something like that would happen, besides the Rock and Romance Cruise! My husband I are fortunate enough to be scheduled to sail in again in 2023, and we can hardly wait. So many great friends we haven’t seen since our last cruise—what a reunion it will be! And that’s the bottom line. Music and friendship are what this vacation is all about, and not necessarily in that order! I’ve got my disco dress packed, and I’m ready for some fun the way only the 70’s Rock and Romance Cruise can offer. I hope to see you there!

Song of the day: You’re My Best Friend – Queen

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